The Grounds
Nuptials in the rose garden, or fireworks by the lake. There are many secrets of Fortuna Villa for you to discover

The Garden
The garden is a far cry from the wholesome glory days, where its lush greenery covered over 10 sprawling acres. Although Fortuna Villa is still on a site of 10 acres, the majority of that is taken up by the grandiose Villa itself.
The large lake and the natural amphitheater around the it is particularly ideal for concerts and wedding ceremonies, and the gardens up the front of Fortuna are home to a stunning 160 various kinds of roses.
Our iconic botanical garden is a key feature of Fortune Villa, fuelled by the love and attention from those who have cared for it over the years which has allowed it to stand the test of time — in Jeopardy summer having worked in the Fortuna gardens for up to 30 years
The Roman Bath.
Remodelled from the former 1860s mine tailings treatment plant sometime after 1888, as with many of Fortuna’s grand features, Lansell’s open air enclosed Bath was also an uncommon feature for large villas of the time. With the benefit of steam pipes redirected from the central boiler, warm water swimming could be enjoyed by the family all year round.
The Tunnel
Constructed using a natural cleft in the rock outside the Coach House, the tunnel served to transport smelted gold bullion bricks from the foundry in the Crushing Works to the Bullion Strong Room deep in the bowels of the house, away from prying and envious eyes, and then later back out to armed coaches for movement to a bank in the centre of town.